Group Lessons Unlimited Classes Package:
 You will be able to take all group lessons through the month with a bigger discount than booking classes individually.
 ( People signing up for our " Early Bird " Sign up promotion will be grandfather in, and we will honour the discount every month same amount as a recurring payment )
Group Lessons: 
 Classes will be around 45 minutes, no partner needed, if a class is canceled you will be reached through the email you used to register. Please remember to register to the class you want to atend
( all group classes and privates will be open to sign up individually after May 1st, 2023 )
 Private lessons are one on one with the instructor or one couple with the instructor. Please reach out to the instructor for availability and schedule arrangement. A set time and day of the week will be scheduled for you.
Child Care / Classes: 
 Child Care and/ or classes will not be considered into the group or classes package.
 Different options like Spanish lessons / Multisports / Child care will be offered as we gathered interest. Please reach out to us and let us know how many kids you have and their ages.